WhatsApp/email/sound alerts when get consecutive PING loss/timeout and restored

  • Download. free to test with full functions. Click here for SMS/Email alerts version.
  • Setup any number of consecutive PING loss to get alerts  - PING constantly to monitor your internet or LAN servers with WhatsApp/Mail/Sound alerts only when get consecutive PING loss and restored.
  • Alert you once only when PING normal -> PING consecutive loss -> PING normal status changed - No keep sending you alerts when it remains PING loss. Let you know when it is abnormal and when it is back exactly.   
  • Alerts can thru WhatsApp, Email and Sound. Install and login WhatsApp in your PC then you can receive alerts on your mobile phone WhatsApp, also send you WhatsApp message when program Start/Sop/End. Refer here for WhatsApp/Homail/SMTP setup.
  • Sound alert to get operators attention whenever ping loss
  • I am Alive mail notification - Periodical sending latest log via WhatsApp/Email to let you know program is up and OK to receive alert messages.
  • Save PING loss data to log file and separate the log files by date automatically.
  • Different alert text for different host - Set up different text for different host alert text 
  • Not only monitor PING timeout but also monitor all other PING situation - Also include host is "Request Time Out","Dest Network Not Reachable" "Dest Host Not Reachable", "TTL Expired in Transit","TTL Expired Reassemb" .....etc
  • $USD100 each Windows license. Click here to buy license. Ali-Pay supported for China payment. Trial version has full function but time limited for alerts sending. Import license key to move trial version to licensed version
  • Below is alert text examples. You can setup alert text or use program default. 

Use default alert text

  • 2015-06-13 23:47:37 SQL Server Ping Timeout ... 87 seconds (20 times) ping timeout from 2015-06-13 23:46:10 to 23:47:37
  • 2015-06-14 01:22:32 SQL Server Ping OK , Back to Normal Reply from Bytes = 32 RTT = 2ms TTL = 64

Note: SQL server is the DESCRIPTION you have defined

Or setup your alert text for different servers

  • Timeout text example setup "AP1 MYSQL Ping Timeout. <duration>"
    You will receive "2015-05-28 07:25:58 AP1 MYSQL Ping Timeout. 133 seconds (30 times) ping timeout from 2015-05-28 07:23:45 to 07:25:58
  • Back text example setup "AP1 MYSQL Ping OK, restored. <response>"
    You will receive "2015-05-28 08:30:32 AP1 MYSQL Ping OK, restored. Reply from Bytes = 32 RTT = 2ms TTL = 64"

Variable <duration> and <response> -

  • <duration> for "Timeout SMS" , it will be replaced by "xx seconds (yy times) ping timeout  from yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss to hh:mm:ss"
  • <response> for "Back to normal SMS" , it will be replaced by "Reply from xx.xx.xx.xx Bytes = xx RTT = xms TTL = xx"

Note : <duration> for "Timeout SMS" and <response> for "Back to normal SMS" . It will be NOT replaced if you put the variable in wrong way

Screenshot for Setup


 SMS4Mail.com / Smartbooth.com         
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