SMSCMD Code Sample download

Update password file sms4mail.txt and run smscmd genkey to encrypt sms4mail.txt to smscmd.key.
Put sms4mail.txt or smscmd.key in c:\smscmd and smscmd.exe can be anywhere 

  • Usage1 (password from file)              : smscmd "text" "phone1,phone2,phone3"
  • Usage2 (password from command)   : smscmd "text" "phone1,phone2,phone3" "email" "password"


VB Code Sample

Usage1 : smscmd "text" "phone1,phone2"  

'***** SendSMS function

Function sendsms(smstext As String, phone As String) As Variant
Dim pid As Variant
Dim sms As String

sms = """" & smstext & """ " & """" & phone & """"
'sms = """" & smstext & """ " & """" & phone & """"  & ” -debug"  'debug mode
pid = Shell("c:\smscmd\smscmd.exe " & sms, vbNormalFocus)       'smscmd.exe can be anywhere  
sendsms = pid

End Function

' ******Main Program to call sendsms function (change the green variable text below)

Dim Totext As String
Dim Tophone As String
Dim Retcode As Variant

Totext = "Put your text here maximum to 155"    'Sample text
Tophone = "07123456789,+85212345678"  'local mobile # and international format with country code to global
Retcode = sendsms(Totext, Tophone)       'execute fail if Retcode =0

Usage2 : smscmd "text" "phone1,phone2" "email" "password"

'***** SendSMS function

Function sendsms(smstext As String, phone As String, email as String, password as String) As Variant
Dim pid As Variant
Dim sms As String

smstext=Mid(smstext, 1, 155) 'Maximum to 155 character

sms = """" & smstext & """ " & """" & phone & """ " & """" & email & """ " & """" & password & """"
pid = Shell("c:\smscmd\smscmd.exe " & sms, vbNormalFocus)
sendsms = pid

End Function

' ******Main Program to call sendsms function (change the green variable text below)

Dim Totext As String, Email as String, Password as String
Dim Tophone As String
Dim Retcode As Variant

Email = ""   'your registered email in
Password = "Mypassword"      'Your password in Click here to register to get password
Totext = "Put your text here maximum to 155"    'Sample text
Tophone = "447123456789,85212345678"  'Local mobile # and international format with country code to global 
Retcode = sendsms(Totext, Tophone,Email,Password) 'execute fail if Retcode =0

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JAVA Code Sample

Java Cod Sample1 - Just execute the smscmd.exe . No Catch the response





public class ExecuteDOSCommand {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

      final String dosCommand = "cmd /c c:\\smscmd\\smscmd.exe";

      final String text = "YOUR SMS Message Here  ..........................";

      final String mobile = "YOUR local mobile # here .......................";     

      try {

         final Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(

            dosCommand + " " + text + " " + mobile);

           } catch (IOException e) {






Java Cod Sample 2 - Catch the smscmd.exe response back





public class ExecuteDOSCommand {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

      final String dosCommand = "cmd /c c:\\smscmd\\smscmd.exe";

      final String text = "YOUR SMS Message Here  ..........................";

      final String mobile = "YOUR local mobile # here.......................";     

      try {

         final Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(

          dosCommand + " " + text + " " + mobile);

         final InputStream in = process.getInputStream();

         int ch;

         while((ch = != -1) {



      } catch (IOException e) {





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VC++ sample

#include "shellapi.h"

 VC ++ Code Sample

ShellExecute(NULL,"open","c:\\smscmd\\smscmd.exe",  "text mobile",NULL,SW_HIDE );

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C# sample

Process.Start( "C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe", "/C C:\\smscmd\smscmd.exe  text mobile" );

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